Pre-industrial Age (35, 000 BC)
- cave paintings
- clay tablets in Mesopotamia
- papyrus in Egypt
- acta diurnal in Rome
- dibao in China/Chinese gazette
- codex in the Mayan Region
- printing press woodblocks
- printing press for mass production
- typewriter
- telegraph
- telephone
- punched cards for computing
- motion picture photography
- commercial motion pictures
- motion picture with sound
- early computers and circuits efficient
- radio
- TV
- large electronic computer EDSAC
- mainframe computers IBM
- personal computers
- Apple I
- DHP, LCD projectors
- social media
- mosaic
- portable computer laptops
- tablets
- internet explorer
- yahoo
- yahoo messenger
- BlogSpot
- live journal
- wordpress
- Friendster
- multiply
- youtube
- tumblr
- Skype
- google hangouts
- smartphones
- wearable technology
- virtual reality
- google cloud platform
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