Biyernes, Nobyembre 10, 2017

Media's roles and functions in a democratic society and how it affects me

1. Given the available media that we now have in the world, what are its roles and functions in a democratic society?
Today, we are living in a society where freedom and equality between people dominate. There are a lot of available media that we have which are very helpful to all of us. The media stands as a “backbone” in the society because it is the foundation of information for wide usage. It helps in giving out information to the general public as well as to the government that’s why when there is a problem in the society, there is an active response or immediate action that our government do. Media has a huge role in education for it effectively share tons of things that helps in learning. It also functions as a guide to the truth for the people since we get to be aware of the social, political, economical issues.
2. In what way do media affect your life? (personal, professional, academic, social, others)
Media affects me in a way that is good. It becomes my bridge to other people who are far from me. I tend to get close with my relatives and friends even if they are afar. In academic, it is one of my source of knowledge because I can easily acquire information or messages from others. With media, I can keep my personal information private and limited to the people I only trust. It really impacts me being a person because I learn how to be responsible of what I am doing like thinking before clicking. It also raises my awareness of what is around me and what are the things that I should keep an eye out for.

2 komento:

  1. gggfvxggsgxvxdvsddsvdfddddvdvdvdvdvdvzdfcas fsddfrwerewrwer ewrw wt w wewe t ter er t t ttetreer errt ert rett trr tr gregrgrretr grereg ghf etthe shey cfrtyuytyiuijyjycjrgwrgjjgk;SgkEShkgSgsgghshjsrshrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrghrg..EGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

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